18 April, 2016 – 16.00-17.30 CET (15.00-16.30 UK Time)
Join the conversation and send your questions via Twitter!
or email us during the live broadcast on getrealwebinar@gmail.com

Chris Chinn,
Head of Real World Investigations,

Lucien Abenhaim,
Honorary Professor,
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Clementine Nordon,
Laser Analytica

Helene Karcher,
Vice-President and Global Head, Real-World Modeling,
Laser Analytica

Billy Amzal,
Global Scientific Vice President,
Laser Analytica
The European Initiative IMI launched the GetReal project in order to provide scientific and operational solutions to provide information on the effectiveness of drugs at an earlier stage of drug development.
The webinar will introduce the concept of drivers of effectiveness and will provide an overview of the methods that can be used to identify them early during the drug development plan. In particular, predictive modelling techniques will be presented and discussed.
To illustrate how drivers of effectiveness may be identified and used to bridge the efficacy-effectiveness gap, the speakers will present a few examples based on case studies (antipsychotic drugs, drugs for asthma, etc.). The participants will have the opportunity to interact with the speakers, and to further explore the impact of these methods in the drug development process.