Professor John Gallacher

PhD AFBPsS CPsychol FFPH & Director, MRC Dementias Platform UK

Professor John Gallacher is the PI and Director of the MRC funded Dementia Platform UK (DPUK), Professor of Cognitive Health at the University of Oxford and Honorary Professor at Cardiff University. Gallacher is also PI for the Caerphilly Prospective Study […]

Tõnu Esko

Deputy Director of Research at Estonian Genome Center, University of Tartu

Dr. Esko is the Deputy Director of Research at Estonian Genome Center, University of Tartu, which hosts a biobank of 50,000 individuals, which are being actively followed up with major national electronic health repositories. He is also Affiliated Researcher […]

Henri De Ridder

Director General,
National Institute for Health and Disability Insurance

Henri De Ridder is Director-General of the Health Insurance Department at the National Institute for Health and Disability Insurance, Brussels, Belgium since 17/10/2005. He graduated from the University of Ghent as a doctor in the medicine, surgery and obstetrics in 1976. He […]

Professor Iain Buchan MD FFPH FACMI

Clinical Professor Public Health Informatics, Centre for Health Informatics, University of Manchester

Iain’s background is in Medicine, and alongside medical training, with intercalation in Pharmacology, he studied Statistics and Informatics. As an undergraduate in the late 1980s he wrote statistical software for clinical researchers, which grew into with over 17,000 users worldwide today. As a junior […]

Alison Bourke

Scientific Director, Real World Evidence, IMS Health

Alison Bourke is a database researcher with nearly 30 years experience working with primary care patient data resources in the UK. She is a pharmacist with a Masters degree in computing.

Prior to joining IMS Health, Alison was Managing Director of CSD Medical Research […]

Duane Schulthess, MBA, Lynn G. Baird, PhD, Mark Trusheim, Thomas F. Unger, PhD, Murray Lumpkin, MD, MSc, Anton Hoos, MD, PhD, MBA, Sarah Garner, PhD, Pamela Gavin, MBA, Michel Goldman, MD, PhD, Nathalie Seigneuret, PharmD, Magda Chlebus, Karin Van Baelen, PharmD, Richard Bergstrom, MSc, Pharm, and Gigi Hirsch, MD

October 21st, […]

About Sebastian Schneeweiss, MD, ScD

SchneeweissSebastian Schneeweiss is Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology at Harvard Medical School and Vice Chief of the Division of Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomics of the Dept. of Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

He is Principal Investigator of the Harvard-Brigham Drug Safety Research Center […]

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