Podcast: How To Support Advanced Therapies and Breakthrough Medicines in Europe

On the occasion of the first DIA BioVenture day on 28 March 2017 in Glasgow, Menno Aarnout, Wolfgang Stoiber and EBE's Barbara Freischem discussed options for solutions to support the development and funding of Advanced Therapies and Breakthrough Medicines in Europe.

IMI GetReal Webinar Report: “Identifying and addressing the operational challenges of pragmatic trials”

On 6 October 2016, the IMI GetReal project hosted a webinar “Identifying and addressing the operational challenges of pragmatic trials”. The webinar showcased GetReal’s Work Package 3 (WP3), providing guidance on the optimisation and feasibility of pragmatic trials. The webinar also presented PragMagic, a decision support tool being developed by WP3 to help researchers design pragmatic trials.

Conference Report: From Health System Sustainability To Promoting Inclusive Growth, 5 September 2016, Vilnius

The Lithuanian Health Forum Conference held in Vilnius, was organised to consolidate and address the policies, goals, and objectives of the Vilnius Declaration’s“Sustainable Health Systems for Inclusive Growth”, which was developed and circulated internationally during the 2013 European Council Presidency.

Italy’s Game-Changing Pay for Performance of Medicines: a podcast with Luca Pani

Italy’s Game-Changing Pay for Performance of Medicines
a podcast with Luca Pani

Duane Schulthess of Vital Transformation sits down for a one on one discussion with Luca Pani, the Director General of the Italian Medicines Agency, to […]

IMI GetReal Webinar Report: “Synthesis and integration of real-world evidence in network meta-analyses and outcome prediction”


On 10 May 2016, thought leaders involved in the IMI GetReal initiative met in Bern, Switzerland for the webinar “Synthesis and integration of real-world evidence in network meta-analyses and outcome prediction”. The webinar gave participants an understanding […]

IMI GetReal Broadcast: Introduction to the Concept of Drivers of Effectiveness

On 18 April 2016, leaders from IMI GetReal met at the Takeda offices in London for a live broadcast: “Introduction to the concept of drivers of effectiveness”. The broadcast introduced the concept of drivers of effectiveness and provided an overview of the methods that […]

IMI GetReal Webinar: Effectiveness research: navigating real world solutions

March 23, 2016
On 23 March 2016, leaders from the IMI GetReal project met in London to for the webinar “Effectiveness research: navigating real world solutions”. Part of the IMI GetReal project has focused on exploring how best to tackle effectiveness research before marketing authorisation. Towards this end, the project has gathered valuable insight from stakeholders and decision-makers on the value of real-world evidence and the acceptability of approaches to gather that evidence to support marketing authorisation and subsequent HTA assessment.

COCIR eHealth Summit Speaks with Duane Schulthess, Managing Director Vital Transformation

March 9, 2016
It's not really about the technology - it's about the political will. We know how to solve the data problems... the problem is how we get the right people to buy in...The future challenge is not going to be technology, it's going to be will and money - I think Europe can do it and I think COCIR can help.

Thought Leader Interview: Simon Lovestone, Professor of Translational Neuroscience, University of Oxford Department of Psychiatry

March 8, 2016
In contrast, EMIF has brought together a group of people that enabled identification of the right cohorts through the cohort selection tool, or the EMIF catalogue. In a study that we’re doing at the moment we’ve already completed a study of 500 individuals and we’re now embarking on a study of 1000 individuals.

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