The impact of health technology made simple...

...from the implications of new medical procedures, technologies and policies... measuring their impact on current clinical practices...

...through close collaboration with health care professionals, researchers, and regulators.

Vital Transformation understands the implications of new medical procedures, technologies and policies. We measure their impact on current clinical practices in close collaboration with health care professionals, researchers, and regulators. Through our web platform and client network, we are able to communicate our findings with international decision makers and stakeholders. Vital Transformation has presented or participated in conferences sponsored by The Royal College of Physicians, European Health Forum Gastein, The European Commission, London Genetics, The European Science Foundation, The European Microelectronics Summit, and others. Our Vital Transformation branded round-tables, webinars, and conferences are often oversubscribed, and are regularly presented in partnership with global thought-leaders and organisations.


2802, 2019

Don’t Believe the Hype – International Reference Pricing Will Cost Far More than 1% of R&D Budgets

February 28th, 2019|

By Duane Schulthess - 26 December 2018

It’s odd that a city like Brussels managed to carve itself out a niche as one of the major political centres of the world. The medieval site of a notoriously typhus infested bog, one of the main streets in downtown, ‘Rue du Marais’, literally means, “Street of the Swamp” and the name of the city itself comes from the old Flemish word Broekzele, which roughly translates to ‘settlement in the swamp.’ So, when one talks politically of draining the swamp, at least in Brussels, it carries a literal interpretation that is often distant from the current political climate in DC.

What goes without question is that both Brussels and DC are currently heaving under waves of increasing populist threats to drain political swamps. With the Brexit referendum followed by the election of President Trump, we also now have the Yellow Vest protests in France coupled with a letter accusing President Macron of treason signed by a dozen French generals and a former Minister of Defense. There is an air of anger against political institutions on both sides of the Atlantic, and increasingly, the heated rhetoric is being pointed at the price of medicines.

410, 2018

Investing in EU Biotech IP – What Works?

October 4th, 2018|

Vital Transformation released its newest research at the European Health Forum Gastein on October 4th, 2018. Our project analysed 116 EU biotech start-ups from the period of 2001 – 2007 through September 21, 2018 from the UK, Netherlands, Belgium, and Spain. We focused on companies developing medicinal products for human consumption. In this work, we compared the impact of IPOs (stock market listings), private investors, and direct EU funding on their success or failure.

805, 2018

DIA Global 2018: Value Pricing Bootcamp: A Crash Course in How to Use Real World Evidence to Better Measure Outcomes and Evaluate New Innovative Therapies

May 8th, 2018|

24th June 2018, Boston, USA

Duane Schulthess, Managing Director of Vital Transformation, and Luca Pani, former Director General of the Italian Medicine's Agency and currently a Faculty Member at the University of Miami, will run a 3 hour and 15 minute Short Course outlining how best to harness RWE to better understand the price, value, and impact of next generation therapies.



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