Real world big data for clinical research and drug development

30th December, 2017

The objective of this paper is to identify the extent to which real world data (RWD) is being utilized, or could be utilized, at scale in drug development. Through screening peer-reviewed literature, we have cited specific examples where RWD can be used for biomarker discovery or validation, gaining a new understanding of a disease or disease associations, discovering new markers for patient stratification and targeted therapies, new markers for identifying persons with a disease, and pharmacovigilance.

Medicines Adaptive Pathways to Patients (MAPPs): A Story of International Collaboration Leading to Implementation

21st October, 2015

After nearly a decade of discussion, analysis, and development, the Medicines Adaptive Pathways to Patients (MAPPs) initiative is beginning to see acceptance from regulators, industry, patients, and payers, with the first live pilot project initiated under the guidance of the European Medicines Agency in 2014.

Report: The challenges and changes needed to reengineer medicines development in the UK

9th March, 2015

A new report from the ABPI and Vermilion Life Sciences examines the challenges and changes needed for the UK to lead reengineering medicines development, and proposes a new methodology to achieve this.

TEMPEST mHealth : mHealth in 28 EU Member States

3rd November, 2014
By Wendy L. Currie and Jonathan J.M. Seddon One of the biggest health care challenges in the coming years is how technology can be used to improve health service delivery. With the steadily increasing average life expectancy across all of Europe expected to be over 80 by 2025 and 82.5 by 2050, new and improved processes need to be delivered to meet future health requirements.


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